Inner & Interior Design

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You are a divine elephant with amnesia
Trying to live in an ant

Session 1.0

the blueprint

An introduction to, or review of, your natal chart — your personal blueprint based on the time and place of your birth. Because people/charts are complex, this session can be repeated. It is incredibly empowering to study your natal blueprint over time, diving deeper & deeper over the years, in order to be an effective designer of your life with the Divine.

$120 for a 60-minute session

Session 2.0

rites of passage

Understand your quarter life “crisis” (Saturn Return/20-something transition into adulthood) or midlife “crisis” (middle aged initiation into your wisdom years). With this information, the intention is that you traverse your major life transitions with grace.

$150 for a 60-minute session

Session 3.0

soul clues

The astrological breadcrumbs giving clues of your soul’s path. This session provides a study of your Lunar Nodes, taking into consideration the houses of both the North and South Nodes, as well as their aspects with specific planets and asteroids that may have a strong influence on your life journey.

$200 for a 75-minute session  

Email me to schedule a session. All sessions can be done remotely.

Manju O'Rourke


Astrology serves as a blueprint. It can be a tool to jog your memory — or affirm to your intuitive knowing — of who you are. I believe that some part of ourselves is aware of a choice we made (as souls) to be here on this planet — as though it’s a school we chose to attend in order to learn and practice specific things.

I look at each person’s chart with these basic questions: What are you journeying through, practicing, and learning in this life? How are you supported by the Universe to grow and be free?